Managing Videos in Wistia

Managing Videos in Wistia

If you plan to track video views through Wisr’s Wistia account, make sure you have a clear plan for who on your team owns this responsibility and check in with your Wisr account manager to set up a private Wistia project. If your institution already has a Wistia account, you can still use it to track video views, but you’ll need to coordinate with the folks on campus who own the account.

Once your private Wistia project is activated and you’ve accepted your admin invitation, you are able to upload required videos. Using Wistia will allow you to see analytics of your videos and track viewership by individual if necessary. To upload your videos follow this step by step guide from Wistia: Getting Started - Upload Video.

To keep track of your individual views, once you’ve uploaded your videos, you’ll need to customize them by adding a turnstile. Open the customize panel on the left-hand side of your video. You have the ability to adjust several settings here. However, we’ll focus on using the Turnstile tool. Wistia offers an in-depth article that walks through each element of the customize pane here: Customizing Your Video.

Turnstile is Wistia’s email collection tool. We recommend that you enable a turnstile for any video that is required viewing for members of your community – this means viewers will need to submit an email address to access the video. Make sure the option to skip the turnstile is unselected and instruct your members to enter the same email associated with their Wisr account.

You will be able to view stats directly on the video in Wistia. For auditing required videos, Data Operations at Wisr can assist with reporting via CSV and parse views by email address to determine which members have not viewed. This request is time intensive for Wisr data ops, so it should be reserved for a less frequent ‘audit’.

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