Recorded Panel

Recorded Panel

Slightly different than an info session/webinar, a panel will tend to have 2-4 participants and may not require a presentation. The instructions are fairly similar, too, but in this section, we’ll call out the specific differences. Follow these instructions to record a panel:

Tech needed:

  • Required (for each participant):
    • External Mic
    • External Webcam
    • Zoom Pro
  • Optional:
    • Lighting (for host only or for each member)
    • Greenscreen (for host only)

To record a panel, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the who, what, when, why, and where of your panel.
    1. Choose who will act as the panel moderator/host and who should sit on your panel. It will be important that each of these members have access to a Zoom account (these can be free), while the host is using Zoom Pro (so they can record the session).
    2. When using Wisr to host a virtual program, we recommend either using pre-recorded content or recording your live webinar and posting it for later viewing.
  2. Set up your recording area/studio (each member of the panel)
    1. To ensure you’re not interrupted by loud noises or distractions, we encourage you to find a quiet, well-lit room with little to no background noise. If possible, turn off any fans, AC units, or heating systems and place a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door so your recording is not interrupted. You may also want to consider switching your computer and phone to “Do Not Disturb” mode. Encourage all members of the panel to follow this step. It will be difficult to follow a panel if each member has distracting noise
    2. If you’re using a lighting system set that up and make sure there are no shadows or unwanted glare. Set up your external mic and webcam now, too.
  3. Launch your meeting and invite all panelist to join the call
    1. The host should launch their Zoom room and share the invitation with all panelists.
    2. Enable both audio and video and make sure to source from external mic and webcam. In the bottom left corner next to the microphone icon, click the up arrow and select your mic from the available list of options. Follow the same instructions for selecting your video source. Panelists should follow the same instructions regarding audio/video source.
  1. Host should then click the “Record” button and select either the local or cloud recording option depending on what you prefer (cloud recording will be stored in your online account and the local recording will be stored on the computer it is recorded on).

  2. Host your panel/discussion
    1. For a panel you should not need to worry about sharing your screen or a presentation. It may be helpful to discuss the questions you’ll ask with your panelists beforehand and if you have any specific questions for individual panelists.
    2. During the panel, ask that your panelists mute their mics when not answering a question so as to limit distractions and additional noise. However, it is important to remember that you are on mute and must turn it off when you’d like to contribute.
  3. To end your meeting and post the recording to your Wisr community, follow steps 5-8 in the Recorded Webinar/Masterclass/Info Session section of this document.
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