Live Webinar/Panel

Live Webinar/Panel

When planning a live webinar/panel it’s important to ask yourself if it is necessary this be live, or if it can be a recorded piece of content. If live is the best avenue for delivery, follow these instructions.

Tech needed:

  • Required:
    • External Mic
    • External Webcam
    • Zoom Pro + Webinar
  • Optional:
    • Lighting (for webinar/1 host)
    • Green screen (for webinar/1 host)

To broadcast your webinar, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the who, what, when, why, and where of your webinar.
    1. The most important aspect of a live webinar is the WHEN and WHO. This is because the person in charge of the webinar or panel will be the one launching and running it at a specific time.
    2. We typically recommend limiting live content to kickoff/closing remarks sessions and events where most attendees will want to attend the same session at the same time.
  2. Schedule your webinar/panel in Zoom Webinar
    1. Open your online Zoom profile and navigate to the Webinar tab (note, you will need to have the webinar feature enabled on your account).
    2. Select “Schedule a Webinar” and fill in the details. Here you will need to decide if registration is required for your webinar (we don’t recommend this), if you will have video on for your host and panelists (we highly recommend this), audio options (we recommend both telephone and computer audio), and additional options such as Q&A, automatically recording the webinar, and enabling a practice session (this allows your presenters to launch a webinar and set up their presentation before going “live”). We recommend enabling both Q&A and practice session. You will also need to identify any alternative hosts (these are other team members who can start the webinar on your behalf, this should usually be the host of the session). When this is complete select “Schedule.”
  3. Enable streaming your webinar to YouTube Live
    1. Follow these instructions from Zoom for enabling YouTube Live streaming in your account.
  4. Embedding your YouTube Live Video in Wisr
    1. Follow these instructions from Zoom for creating a YouTube event and streaming your webinar to it.
    2. Once you’ve created the YouTube event, use the video link and embed it in your Wisr community as a new Discussion Topic. Follow steps 7-8 of “Recording A Webinar/Masterclass/Info Session.” This will embed the YouTube Live video into your community.
  5. Set up your filming area/studio
    1. To ensure you’re not interrupted by loud noises or distractions, we encourage you to find a quiet, well-lit room with little to no background noise. If possible, turn off any fans, AC units, or heating systems and place a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door so your recording is not interrupted. You may also want to consider switching your computer and phone to “Do Not Disturb” mode.
    2. If you’re using a lighting system (like a ring light) set that up and make sure there are no shadows or unwanted glare. If you’re using external mic and webcam, plug these into your computer, too.
  6. Launching your webinar/live panel
    1. Follow these instructions on this page for launching your webinar and YouTube Live event.
    2. If you are hosting a panel be sure to promote your panelists once they join the webinar. To do this, hover over the attendee’s name and click “More.” Select “Promote to panelist” and they will automatically move to the panelist tab. If video is enabled for panelists, encourage your panelists to turn their video on. Here is a Zoom article about managing your webinar participants.
    3. During your webinar/panel, members can watch from the Wisr community and comment on the discussion. Discussions are real time and will auto update for all members. It will be helpful to have an additional staff member moderate the chat and Q&A so they can feed questions to the host.
  7. When your webinar/live panel is over click the “End Webinar” button and follow prompts to end the video for all.
    1. Once your webinar/panel is over, it will automatically be stored as a YouTube video at the same link. This video will stay embedded in your Wisr community and will be accessible to your network members for future viewing.
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