Ask Me Anything (AMA)

Ask Me Anything (AMA)

Ask me anything posts are a great way to offer the most authentic perspective for your members because it will come directly from members of your community. It is fairly simple to schedule and host an AMA. Follow these instructions:

Tech needed:

  • Computer/mobile device & internet access

To start your AMA, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new topic for each AMA
    1. Navigate to the Discussions tab in your community and select the Create a new topic
    2. Update the topic Title and Description with your background, interests, areas of expertise, and the hours you will be available for live chat. AMAs are great because they allow for asynchronous Q&A, but if your host plans to be online for a certain time period it is helpful to note that so participants can reach out 1:1 or know when to expect real-time answers. 

  1. Your AMA is now live!
    1. Make sure it is clear who owns each AMA topic and the expectations around responding. Hosts will receive a notification when questions are posted and should answer by replying directly to the comment. This allows for other network members to easily follow each question and answer.
    2. The real time discussion board will automatically update when new comments are published to the discussion topic.
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