Marketing Checklist

You've probably heard us say it many times: you cannot over-market your network. It's true. There will always be more prospective students interested in learning more about your institution, more alumni to reach, more faculty and staff to engage, and more students coming to campus every year. And even if you are reaching everyone in your community, you also need to continue to market to current members so they remember to log back in and connect. Use this checklist to make sure you are marketing to your audience in every way you can. 

Email Marketing

  • Sending email invitations around your launch, program kickoff, and big campus or alumni events
  • Including a blurb about Wisr in your newsletters and on your website
  • Inviting new students every year
  • Inviting graduating students every semester

In-Person and On-Campus Marketing

  • Talking about Wisr in virtual and in person information sessions for prospective students
  • Talking about Wisr in advising/career coaching sessions
  • Giving out printed flyers and one-pagers
  • Passing out Wisr business cards
  • Presenting to classrooms
  • Presenting to faculty and staff members and getting them signed up as Community Leaders
  • Promoting Wisr at Homecoming, Graduation, Career Fairs, and College Visit Days
  • Hosting Career Development Workshops that feature Wisr for students and young alumni
  • Training students to be Campus Ambassadors
  • Using Wisr to plan and market regional/city-based alumni events

Social Media Marketing

  • Posting about Wisr on your social media channels
  • Sharing testimonials of successful connections on social media
  • Featuring interesting alumni, mentors, and student ambassadors on social media
  • Linking to Wisr from your school's website or using a Landing Page to direct people to Wisr

Marketing Through Wisr

  • Inviting people to Communities based on department, industry, location or affinity
  • Sending member engagement emails to current members
  • Source Q&As for events through Community Discussions
  • Cross-posting events in Communities
  • Actively training and promoting Community Leaders
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